Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 7 Tutespark

A few months back i downloaded GIMP because i didn't want to buy photoshop. I have never had photoshop so cant really compare it to anything, but i find the layout pretty easy once you get the hang of it. It was free which is good in any case. The only problem i have found with it, is that it seems to pixelate some images, or my printer just prints out the images not very clearly. Most of my friends who are photoshop users say you cannot compare GIMP to photoshop but for a free application it is well worth the download.

Iv downloaded Mozilla Thunderbird. I generally like to stick to the usual hotmail/mac email programs because its what i know and what i am used to. It has helped get rid of alot of my junk mail i always recieve after signing up to stupid scams and things on the internet. Im sooo glad because im so sick of them and theyy are tyring to delete.

Firefox is the shizzz niz! It makes me dread going on a pc that doesn't have it. I find the layout more modern and 'not so square n cold'. It doesn't have unneccessary icons everywhere that we hardly use. There's more space for tabs. Basically it is simple. Simplicity is more effective.

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