Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Week 2- Tute

This tute was awesome, we chose a slip that had a story line on it and had to create the narrative through the use of a variety of shots. Sami, Brooke and i picked 'Waiting for Romance'. YAAAAAAAAAAY. I love romance movies/ stories/ books and the actual thing. We all did. So it was a pretty easy task . We decided to take pictures of a girl waiting and a guy waiting doing similar expressions. They are both waiting for each other but are at the wrong coffee shop. We spliced together their same expressions. It starts off they are both alone at a coffee shop, a long shot shows crowds around them and themselves waiting. Close ups of their eyes show them looking around for one another. Medium close up show them looking at their watches .This indicates to the viewer that they are waiting. Medium long shots display the scene they are at showing a coffee sign and a cafeteria. Images of the girl walking are shown as if she realizes she is at the wrong spot.At the cafeteria they are both still waiting, unaware that their love is right next to them. This was supposed to be the end of our slideshow, but we decided to have a happy ending and show them together smiling and happy. naaaaaaaaaaaaw!
here it is below....

Just recently my friend and i were at home playing around with the camera and decided to make a new 'waiting for romance' as she didn't have one, and i thought mine could be better. So heres the new one.. Its pretty much a comical piece and was pretty fun to shoot as i got to be very stupid and wear clothes i hadnt worn in a while...

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