I found ask.com the most helpful toolbar and surprisingly i thought yahoo really sucked.
1. What is the weight of the world’s biggest machine? How much did it cost to build?
The large Hadron Collider!
'The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a gigantic scientific instrument near Geneva, where it spans the border between Switzerland and France about 100 m underground. It is a particle accelerator used by physicists to study the smallest known particles – the fundamental building blocks of all things. It will revolutionise our understanding, from the minuscule world deep within atoms to the vastness of the Universe.'
It weighs 11 000tons!!! Holy moly thats like double my weight! Jokes :P
http://www.scribd.com/doc/7821298/Lhclarge-hadron-collider (viewed: 11 August 2010)
2. What is the best way (quickest, most reliable) to contact Ozzy Osborne?
YAAY maybe he'd like to meet up and have a cup of tea with some scones. 'One lump or twoooo?'
3. When and what was the first example of global digital communication?
Morse coding!
4. What is the cheapest form of travel from the Gold Coast to Melbourne?
I went to flight centre to compare flights (because it is cheaper than filling up your car and the train.) and the cheapest right now is $109.00 through Jetstar. You could walk but that would really suck and u might just die of starvation.
5. Who is Hatsune Miku? What company does she belong to? What is her birthday?
Ask Jeeves: She is the most popular vocaloid designed by Crypton future media, birthday is November 17th, 2008. This information was found on http://www.mikufan.com/
http://www.scribd.com/doc/7821298/Lhclarge-hadron-collider (viewed: 11 August 2010)
2. What is the best way (quickest, most reliable) to contact Ozzy Osborne?
contact Ozzy Osbourne's Manager:
Sharon Osbourne
Sharon Osbourne Management
9292 Civic Center Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Phone: 310-859-7761
http://famous-relationships.topsynergy.com/Ozzy_Osbourne/Contact.asp (viewed: 11 August 2010)YAAY maybe he'd like to meet up and have a cup of tea with some scones. 'One lump or twoooo?'
3. When and what was the first example of global digital communication?
Morse coding!
4. What is the cheapest form of travel from the Gold Coast to Melbourne?
I went to flight centre to compare flights (because it is cheaper than filling up your car and the train.) and the cheapest right now is $109.00 through Jetstar. You could walk but that would really suck and u might just die of starvation.
5. Who is Hatsune Miku? What company does she belong to? What is her birthday?
Ask Jeeves: She is the most popular vocaloid designed by Crypton future media, birthday is November 17th, 2008. This information was found on http://www.mikufan.com/
Its insane that a fictional vocaloid can perform at concerts that people actually buy tickets to go and watch! An invention to do the same thing as a performer, she wont be a dive, she doesnt eat and need a jacuzzi back stage, she never gets tired, she wont die of a drug overdose, she can do almost anything and she's free!
6. Find a live webcam in Antarctica. Find a place to stay in Antarctica.
There are no actual hotels in Antarctica
7. What song was top of the Australian pop charts this week in 1989?
6. Find a live webcam in Antarctica. Find a place to stay in Antarctica.
There are no actual hotels in Antarctica
7. What song was top of the Australian pop charts this week in 1989?
1. The look by Roxette
8. How would you define the term 'nano technology'? In your own words, what does it really mean?
I went to the oxford dictionary http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/00320961?single=1&query_type=word&queryword=nano+technology&first=1&max_to_show=10
The branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of 1 to 100 nanometres, or, generally, with the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules.
They are so small they could fit into the head of a pin!
9. What type of camera is used to make ‘Google Street View’?
'At the heart of Immersive's services for Google and a number of other contractors is the Dodeca 2360, a softball-size camera that records from nearly a dozen different angles at 30 frames per second. Later, photos can be extracted and stitched together to form pictures with a resolution of 2400 by 1200 pixel—a frame "bigger than any high-definition image," says its inventor and chief technology officer, David McCutchen. '
8. How would you define the term 'nano technology'? In your own words, what does it really mean?
I went to the oxford dictionary http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/00320961?single=1&query_type=word&queryword=nano+technology&first=1&max_to_show=10
The branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of 1 to 100 nanometres, or, generally, with the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules.
They are so small they could fit into the head of a pin!
9. What type of camera is used to make ‘Google Street View’?
'At the heart of Immersive's services for Google and a number of other contractors is the Dodeca 2360, a softball-size camera that records from nearly a dozen different angles at 30 frames per second. Later, photos can be extracted and stitched together to form pictures with a resolution of 2400 by 1200 pixel—a frame "bigger than any high-definition image," says its inventor and chief technology officer, David McCutchen. '
Just recently on facebook i saw an app called 'the dead girl found on google street view.'I joined it and it was such a scam. The stupid app got all my details and change my status to 'i am bored' then to 'omg this dead girl things insane with the link' bla bla bla. It took me agesss to delete the dam thing. I remember when facebook first became famous like 3 years ago the apps were so much better and didn't have the option to see all our details and post stuff on our status. I used to love the aquarium where you could get points and buy fish to send your friend. Virtual fishes are sooo much cleaner!
10. Translate these questions into Klingon.
Klingon- [Answers] tu'ta' Hutlh [goodle] joq [wikipedia
] nuq 'oH [the] [weight] vo' [the] [world’s] [biggest] [machine] chay' 'ar ta'ta' 'oH [cost] Daq chen [
The] [large] [Hadron] [Collider] [
'The] [Large] [Hadron] [Collider] [LHC] 'oH [a] [gigantic] [scientific] [instrument] Sum [Geneva] nuqDaq 'oH [spans] [the] veH joj [Switzerland] 'ej [France] [about] [m] [underground] 'oH 'oH [a] [particle] [accelerator] [used] Sum [physicists] Daq [study] [the] [smallest] Sovta' [particles] [–] [the] [fundamental] [building] [blocks] vo' Hoch Dochmey 'oH DIchDaq [revolutionise] maj yajtaHghach vo' [the] [minuscule] qo' [deep] [within] [atoms] Daq [the] [vastness] vo' [the] [Universe] ['
It] [weighs] [tons] le' [moly] [thats] rur [double] wIj [weight] [Jokes] [P
http] [www] [scribd] [com] [doc] [Lhclarge-hadron-collider] [viewed] [August] [
] nuq 'oH [the] [best] [way] [quickest] HochHom [reliable] Daq [contact] [Ozzy] [Osborne] [
contact] [Ozzy] [Osbourne's] [Manager] [
Sharon] [Osbourne
Sharon] [Osbourne] [Management
] [Civic] [Center] [Drive
Beverly] [Hills] [CA] [
Phone] [-] [-] [
http] [famous-relationships] [topsynergy] [com] [Ozzy] [Osbourne] [Contact] [asp] [viewed] [August] [
] ghorgh 'ej nuq ghaHta' [the] wa'DIch [example] vo' [global] [digital] [communication] [
http] [www] [ac] [v] [com] [morsetid] [htm
Morse] [coding] [
] nuq 'oH [the] [cheapest] [form] vo' [travel] vo' [the] SuD baS [Coast] Daq [Melbourne] [
I] mejta' Daq [flight] [centre] Daq [compare] [flights] [because] 'oH 'oH [cheaper] [than] [filling] Dung lIj [car] 'ej [the] [train] 'ej [the] [cheapest] nIH DaH 'oH vegh [Jetstar] SoH laH yIt 'ach vetlh [would] [really] [suck] 'ej [u] [might] [just] Hegh vo' [starvation] [
www] [flightcentre] [com
] 'Iv 'oH [Hatsune] [Miku] nuq [company] ta'taH ghaH [belong] Daq nuq 'oH Daj qoS [
Ask] [Jeeves] ghaH 'oH [the] HochHom [popular] [vocaloid] [designed] Sum [Crypton] [future] [media] qoS 'oH [November] [th] vam [information] ghaHta' tu'ta' Daq [http] [www] [mikufan] [com] [
] tu' [a] yIn [webcam] Daq [Antarctica] tu' [a] Daq Daq [stay] Daq [Antarctica] [
http] [www] [live-webcam-directory] [com] [antarctica] [live-webcam-macquaire-island-station] [html
There] 'oH ghobe' [actual] [hotels] Daq [Antarctica
http] [www] [mapsofworld] [com] [antarctica] [hotels] [
] nuq bom ghaHta' [top] vo' [the] [Australian] [pop] [charts] vam [week] Daq [
] [ THE] legh [ Roxette
http] [www] [ariacharts] [com] [au] [pages] [flashback] [htm
] chay' [would] SoH [define] [the] [term] ['nano] [technology'] Daq lIj ghaj mu'mey nuq ta'taH 'oH [really] [mean] [
I] mejta' Daq [the] [oxford] [dictionary] [http] [dictionary] [oed] [com] [cgi] [entry] [single] [query] [type] mu' [queryword] [nano] [technology] wa'DIch [max] Daq cha' [
The] [branch] vo' [technology] vetlh [deals] tlhej [dimensions] 'ej [tolerances] vo' Daq [nanometres] joq [generally] tlhej [the] [manipulation] vo' [individual] [atoms] 'ej [molecules] [
They] 'oH vaj mach chaH laH [fit] Daq [the] nach vo' [a] [pin] [
] nuq [type] vo' [camera] 'oH [used] Daq chenmoH [‘Google] [Street] [View’] [
'At] [the] tIq vo' [Immersive's] [services] vaD [Google] 'ej [a] mI' vo' latlh [contractors] 'oH [the] [Dodeca] [a] [softball-size] [camera] vetlh [records] vo' [nearly] [a] [dozen] [different] [angles] Daq [frames] [per] cha'DIch [Later] [photos] laH taH [extracted] 'ej [stitched] tay' Daq [form] [pictures] tlhej [a] [resolution] vo' Sum [pixel—a] [frame] [bigger] [than] vay' [high-definition] [image] jatlhtaH [its] [inventor] 'ej pIn [technology] [officer] DavID [McCutchen] ['
http] [www] [popularmechanics] [com] [technology] [gadgets] [news] [
] [Translate] Dochvammey [questions] Daq tlhIngan
10. Translate these questions into Klingon.
Klingon- [Answers] tu'ta' Hutlh [goodle] joq [wikipedia
] nuq 'oH [the] [weight] vo' [the] [world’s] [biggest] [machine] chay' 'ar ta'ta' 'oH [cost] Daq chen [
The] [large] [Hadron] [Collider] [
'The] [Large] [Hadron] [Collider] [LHC] 'oH [a] [gigantic] [scientific] [instrument] Sum [Geneva] nuqDaq 'oH [spans] [the] veH joj [Switzerland] 'ej [France] [about] [m] [underground] 'oH 'oH [a] [particle] [accelerator] [used] Sum [physicists] Daq [study] [the] [smallest] Sovta' [particles] [–] [the] [fundamental] [building] [blocks] vo' Hoch Dochmey 'oH DIchDaq [revolutionise] maj yajtaHghach vo' [the] [minuscule] qo' [deep] [within] [atoms] Daq [the] [vastness] vo' [the] [Universe] ['
It] [weighs] [tons] le' [moly] [thats] rur [double] wIj [weight] [Jokes] [P
http] [www] [scribd] [com] [doc] [Lhclarge-hadron-collider] [viewed] [August] [
] nuq 'oH [the] [best] [way] [quickest] HochHom [reliable] Daq [contact] [Ozzy] [Osborne] [
contact] [Ozzy] [Osbourne's] [Manager] [
Sharon] [Osbourne
Sharon] [Osbourne] [Management
] [Civic] [Center] [Drive
Beverly] [Hills] [CA] [
Phone] [-] [-] [
http] [famous-relationships] [topsynergy] [com] [Ozzy] [Osbourne] [Contact] [asp] [viewed] [August] [
] ghorgh 'ej nuq ghaHta' [the] wa'DIch [example] vo' [global] [digital] [communication] [
http] [www] [ac] [v] [com] [morsetid] [htm
Morse] [coding] [
] nuq 'oH [the] [cheapest] [form] vo' [travel] vo' [the] SuD baS [Coast] Daq [Melbourne] [
I] mejta' Daq [flight] [centre] Daq [compare] [flights] [because] 'oH 'oH [cheaper] [than] [filling] Dung lIj [car] 'ej [the] [train] 'ej [the] [cheapest] nIH DaH 'oH vegh [Jetstar] SoH laH yIt 'ach vetlh [would] [really] [suck] 'ej [u] [might] [just] Hegh vo' [starvation] [
www] [flightcentre] [com
] 'Iv 'oH [Hatsune] [Miku] nuq [company] ta'taH ghaH [belong] Daq nuq 'oH Daj qoS [
Ask] [Jeeves] ghaH 'oH [the] HochHom [popular] [vocaloid] [designed] Sum [Crypton] [future] [media] qoS 'oH [November] [th] vam [information] ghaHta' tu'ta' Daq [http] [www] [mikufan] [com] [
] tu' [a] yIn [webcam] Daq [Antarctica] tu' [a] Daq Daq [stay] Daq [Antarctica] [
http] [www] [live-webcam-directory] [com] [antarctica] [live-webcam-macquaire-island-station] [html
There] 'oH ghobe' [actual] [hotels] Daq [Antarctica
http] [www] [mapsofworld] [com] [antarctica] [hotels] [
] nuq bom ghaHta' [top] vo' [the] [Australian] [pop] [charts] vam [week] Daq [
] [ THE] legh [ Roxette
http] [www] [ariacharts] [com] [au] [pages] [flashback] [htm
] chay' [would] SoH [define] [the] [term] ['nano] [technology'] Daq lIj ghaj mu'mey nuq ta'taH 'oH [really] [mean] [
I] mejta' Daq [the] [oxford] [dictionary] [http] [dictionary] [oed] [com] [cgi] [entry] [single] [query] [type] mu' [queryword] [nano] [technology] wa'DIch [max] Daq cha' [
The] [branch] vo' [technology] vetlh [deals] tlhej [dimensions] 'ej [tolerances] vo' Daq [nanometres] joq [generally] tlhej [the] [manipulation] vo' [individual] [atoms] 'ej [molecules] [
They] 'oH vaj mach chaH laH [fit] Daq [the] nach vo' [a] [pin] [
] nuq [type] vo' [camera] 'oH [used] Daq chenmoH [‘Google] [Street] [View’] [
'At] [the] tIq vo' [Immersive's] [services] vaD [Google] 'ej [a] mI' vo' latlh [contractors] 'oH [the] [Dodeca] [a] [softball-size] [camera] vetlh [records] vo' [nearly] [a] [dozen] [different] [angles] Daq [frames] [per] cha'DIch [Later] [photos] laH taH [extracted] 'ej [stitched] tay' Daq [form] [pictures] tlhej [a] [resolution] vo' Sum [pixel—a] [frame] [bigger] [than] vay' [high-definition] [image] jatlhtaH [its] [inventor] 'ej pIn [technology] [officer] DavID [McCutchen] ['
http] [www] [popularmechanics] [com] [technology] [gadgets] [news] [
] [Translate] Dochvammey [questions] Daq tlhIngan
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